Our Proven SEO Approach

Improve Your Digital Marketing in 10 Easy ways

1. Claim your Google Map Listing.

  • Go to Google.com/mybusiness to claim your listing.
  • Do you have reviews?
  • If not, ask your best customers to leave you a review.
  • Fill out all info, especially the description.
  • Post an update to your Map Listing.

2. Are basic social media accounts covered?

  • Have you claimed your Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn Biz Pages?
  • Do you have consistent branding across accounts?
  • Same messaging? Clean logo? Clean cover image?
  • How does the cover image look on the mobile app?

3. Visual company? Get on Instagram.

  • Every business should have an Instagram account.
  • Especially important if you’re a visual company.
  • Builders, real estate agents, designers and decorators really need to prioritize Instagram.

4. Is your website easy to use on a phone?

  • Easy to use mobile navigation.
  • Fast loading.
  • Easy to read on a phone.
  • Forms are easy to fill out on a phone.

5. Clear calls-to-action across your site?

  • Make sure that you have clear and easy to use calls-to-action on website.
  • List them multiple times throughout the site.
  • This might seem like a lot on desktop, but on mobile you do not want people to have to scroll too far.

6. Clean images and headshots?

  • Now is the perfect time to ensure that you have clean images on your website.
  • This might mean scheduling a photo session.
  • Make sure you have updated headshots on your site.
  • Does your headshot look like you? If not, then schedule a new with a local photographer.

7. Post to your personal LinkedIn account.

  • Engagement on personal LinkedIn accounts is much better than engagement on biz accounts.
  • Post updates. Let your network know what you’re thinking.
  • Post project updates and links to your website.
  • You could be featured in LinkedIn’s weekly email.

8. Be deliberate with your posts.

  • We see so many companies post to Facebook just say that they are posting to Facebook.
  • Be strategic and intentional with your content.
  • If you post without paying Facebook to promote the post, then your post will only be seen by a few people.
  • It only costs about $10 per thousand people reached.

9. Do you have an email marketing list?

  • Use this time to start building an email marketing list.
  • Already have a list? Start using Mail Chimp to reach and engage your audience.
  • Helps keep your audience informed.
  • Adds value to your business in the long-run. If you ever sell your business, prospective buyers will want to know how many people are on your email marketing list.

10. Do you have Google Analytics on your site?

  • Ask your website development company if you have Google Analytics on your website.
  • Ask them to give you access to the account.
  • Shows traffic into your site.
  • Shows which marketing efforts are working.

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